Thursday, February 21, 2008

News from the process

So my determination to update this site at a regular basis did not hold on for long. Let me therefore limit me to mention a few of the things that have been going on in my life these last few weeks.

End January my mother came to visit me. I had forgotten that having visitors takes energy so that did take me by surprise. However I really am glad that she came. We had a great time seeing London and it was good having a break from school.

Soon enough that took up my time again. By now my academic classes beging to really demand attention. The end-of-the-year projects can not longer be treated in a calm fashion - so it is off the British Library to do reading and lots of time at the desk searching around for information.

In other news I now have three ensembles that I can call established. I have spent some considerable time managing bookings for concerts. Right now most concerts come through Trinity. The school has aprogram of "off-campus" concerts where you sign up with your group. If anything comes up you then receive an email. In addition I have been contacting some churches directly about lunchtime recitals and all together I have a few bookings for the spring. In addition there are the orchestra projects run by Trinity, ensemble projects and the od gig that I get offered.

One special event was the debut of my violin duo which I run with my friend from Oberlin Sarah Titterington. We call it Oberlin Duo! The debut took place in a pub called The White Heart and it was lots of fun. Our repertoire of baroque violin duets worked really well in the setting to the surprise of everyone there. We got a really god response. The event was run by two students from Trinity. The idea was to bring classical music to a new audiences and on the program was improv. rock, wind quintet and us - very varied indeed.
Now it is only to keep things up. My other ensembles are a violin and cello duo called Duo Chorde and a trio with gambe and harpsichord that is yet nameless. We will solve that though!

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